Hello Everyone and thanks for reading my blog. It has been a while since my last post - not for a lack of topics to post about - but due to an insane schedule that I have been keeping. Here in New York, we have been through he effects of SuperStorm/Hurricane Sandy, another presidential election, and the tragedy of the unfathomable nearby Newtown Connecticut shootings. There is so much also going on in healthcare and the aforementioned happenings are also intertwined in the landscape - from emergency preparedness, state health insurance exchanges as part of the Affordable Care Act, and mental health respectively. Specific to nurse practitioners, there have been numerous articles written about us (and the interesting negative commentary that always follows and isn't worth commenting on anymore). We have also seen the merger of two national nurse practitioner organizations into one large one. CMS announced that there will be increased Medicaid reimbursement for certain physici...
This is my blog that will highlight current issues, trends and policies affecting Nurse Practitioners and the health care system today.