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Showing posts from 2014

New York's Nurse Practitioners Modernization Act

Here is a great infographic on NY's recently passed Nurse Practitioners Modernization Act that summarizes the new law which takes effect on January 1, 2015 (the written regulations are still however, pending).

Podcast Interview

Check out my recent podcast interview by Barbara Phillips over at Sage Clinician. I am honored to have had the chance to discuss recent legislative developments in New York State with the passing of the Nurse Practitioners Modernization Act along with blogging, and more.  Feel free to check out it here!  

April 2014 Updates & Interview at

Lots going on for nurse practitioners in New York these days! We are very excited to have the N urse Practitiioners Modernization Act pass as part of the 2014-15 NY State Budget! This is a major step forward that eliminates the written collaborative agreement between a an experienced nurse practitioner and physician. We have been at work on this for a long time and it is an acknowledgement by stakeholders that nurse practitioners are key to increasing health care access across NY state.  Also, check out my interview at . They had asked me some thoughtful questions and I am glad to have the opportunity to answer them!  That's all for now.....Hope everyone is well!  

Back in the Saddle

Wow - I randomly checked my blog and see that it's been THREE months since I last blogged! It's not from a lack of activity going on in the nurse practitioner world but more from having far too commitments than I have time for and unfortunately, my blogging has lagged behind a bit -- ok, a lot. While clinically, I am seeing tons of patients with nasty upper respiratory infections and good ole influenza (and the New York State mandatory mask requirement for health care workers if not vaccinated) is rearing it's ugly head. Practically every day, we see more and more coverage of nurse practitioners in the mainstream media. These NPs are responding to health questions, giving advice on things from influenza vaccines to cervical cancer screening and opening up their own practices. That's not to say that the toxic and predictable vitriol against nurse practitioners has ceased though. If anything, it has been turned up even more. Yet, it's obvious that it is having less ...