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Showing posts from September, 2008

Working Together

Here is a great post from a medical student about retail clinics. Here is someone who clearly understands the need the clinics are filling and more importantly (in my opinion), how nurse practitioners are part of that solution. It's good to see such an un -jaded perspective and how we can all work together in today's complex health system.

The 'Diff' iculty With Antibiotics

Today's WSJ Health Blog writes about the infection, Clostridium difficile (C. diff), and how it's becoming known as the 'new' MRSA . The blog writes: The dark irony is that, because C. diff typically kept in check by the healthy bacteria that live in the digestive tract, people often get C. diff infections after treatment with antibiotics (which kill both harmful and healthy bacteria). It amazes me to this day, how many people come into the office demanding antibiotics for what are mostly viral infections (which of course, antibiotics do not help). I hear the same stories from my colleagues. Usually, once the side effects are rationalized, most people understand the consequences and we decide that antibiotics aren't indicated for this illness. Of course, this approach takes time and unfortunately, it's much easier to write the script for the antibiotic and not have to take more time out of one's busy schedule to explain this. Just as unfortunate, is that ...

Stand Up To Cancer

On Friday night, September 5 th , the three major networks aired the telethon, Stand Up To Cancer . It is estimated that they raised over $100 million dollars which according to their website: ...will support research projects conducted by interdisciplinary, multi-institutional translational and clinical research "Dream Teams" and high-risk Innovative Research Grants from which ideas for new Dream Teams may arise. The funds will be administered through the American Association for Cancer Research ( AACR ) , the largest scientific organization in the world focusing on every aspect of high-quality, innovative cancer research. This is an amazing cause and could've even had a larger impact had it been on more networks and if it aired on a night other than Friday. The show featured patients battling cancer as well as celebrities and their cancer stories. The show followed actress Dana Delany for her annual breast exam. I was stunned and pleasantly surprised to see the exam p...

Obama Ad Narrated by NP reports on a new Obama ad that uses a Planned Parenthood nurse practitioner narrator. The ad happens to be about the pro-choice vs. pro-life debate. The nurse practitioner says: "“Let me tell you: If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, the lives and health of women will be put at risk. That's why this election is so important,” says the nurse-practitioner who narrates Obama’s ad. “John McCain's out of touch with women today. McCain wants to take away our right to choose. That's what women need to understand. That's how high the stakes are.”" While my intention is not to turn my blog into a political forum, this certainly is a poignant event for nurse practitioners - to be featured in the national spotlight by the Democratic Presidential Candidate of the United States. It is, however, on a polarizing topic that may further shape individuals views of nurse practitioners either positive or negative. I have been unable to hear the ad for myself so if anyone ...