Today, the University of Wisconsin and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation launched www.countyhealthrankings.org, a website that examines the health of each county in the United States and ranks them accordingly. This is a wonderful resource for both patients and health providers that examines health at the local community level.
Health disparities exist here in our own country. This new comprehensive database is an evidence based perspective so we can begin to address these issues.
All key stakeholders must be engaged if we are going to make a difference. Where does your county rank and how will you address these disparities?
I enjoy your nurse practioner blog and I was hoping that since you have a career in healthcare you could help me get the word out about a scholarship for anyone pursuing a similar career. The Medical Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship is being held for the fall 2010 semester. . Applicants must submit a 500-word essay along with their online application that explains who or what inspired them to seek out a career in healthcare. The winner of the scholarship will receive a check for $1,000 to help with tuition and other expenses. Check out the link here: Medical Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship If you have any students you personally know who are pursuing a career in healthcare, definitely tell them about it! Thank You!
Wonder if you might be interested in exchanging blog links....engender a little PA/NP collegiality.
Please check mine out, and then let me know.