It's been a while since I last posted and it's because I've been somewhat bogged down with the last few projects for school. To briefly update: We completed our systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of group medical visits for patients with type 2 diabetes (specifically the ABCs: Hemoglobin A1c, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol[LDL]). We have received peer-review feedback and have edited and resubmitted and are anxiously awaiting their response. We implemented an actual group medical visit model in our clinical agency site and are gathering data and tweaking accordingly via the PDSA cycle. Plus, I am trying to get motivated to work on the last individual paper which must be submitted for publication to a peer-reviewed journal (rough draft is due this Friday and I don't have much thus far - which completely explains why I am blogging right now!) Finally, we are working on our final presentation for the group medical visit project.
Whew! We are also getting ready for graduation which is very exciting. As the first DNP cohort, we are discussing things like whether to rent or purchase cap and gowns (I'm renting), nursing pins (probably not going to get), and all other things related to commencement. All of us are pretty much fried on this nearly 3 year journey and cannot wait to formally apply our new knowledge to our patients and to the health system alike.
As of today, there are 63 days until graduation (but who's counting)! Now it's off to procrastinate some more on this final paper and hopefully get something written that makes decent sense. Wish me luck!
Sandy Blizzard Tripp, MSN,FNP,CS,RN
Good luck with your defense Sandy. I would love to read your research some day! Keep us updated.